God Friended me (CBS) Wiki


  • The "God" account unfriends Miles after he's reluctant to act on the latest friend suggestion, a young woman who is dealing with emotional trauma following the death of her sister. Also, Cara reconnects with her ex-boyfriend, Eli; Jaya stuns Rakesh with some news; and Arthur is uncomfortable when Miles turns to his Uncle Terrance for advice instead of him.


The God account sends Miles a friend recommendation for Rachel, but he decides to do nothing about it, and the God account disappears. Prodded by Rakesh and Cara, Miles investigates and learns that Rachel is an alcoholic artist whose sister died in a car accident they were in several weeks earlier. They were fighting at the time, and Rachel believes nothing can fix the fact that her sister hated her at the moment of her death. Miles finds the man credited with pulling Rachel from the car before it exploded, and learns that the man was just a bystander; in fact, Rachel's sister pulled her from the car, and died going back for her cell phone to call 911. Miles tells Rachel that her sister obviously loved her, and Rachel finds peace and strives to become sober. Meanwhile, Rakesh finds out Jaya has a medical fellowship that will take her away from New York for up to a year. He reacts badly at first, but on Ali's advice, throws Jaya a congratulations party and tells her he is happy for her. After talking with his father, Miles comes to terms with the idea that he might have a calling to do good in the world, and the God account reappears. He sends it a friend request, and it accepts.
